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- TOEIC®実践講座【18】Part7対策/前編
- 関東学院大学
- 法学部
(株)旺文社のご協力のもと『新TOEIC TEST実戦セミナー<改訂版>』より出題
Questions 1-4 refer to the following letter.
KMO Real Estate Company
3265 Harvey St. North #509
San Diego, California92104
(642) 987-6534
Dear Mr. Ken Lee,
Thank you for your interest in our company.We have enclosed information about a few of the properties in your area.Over the last decade, investment in real estate has created more millionaires than any other type of investing activity, and you could be one of them.
KMO Real Estate has a proud history as one of the most professional real estate companies, managing thousands of properties.We have particular expertise in handling properties in Bay City, where you live.We can provide much valuable intelligence on potential investments in the area, and we can help you make the most of the great opportunities here.
We can 1) give you excluding information on purchasing investment properties; 2) educate you about the properties in terms of buying, selling and managing; 3) map out an investment strategy to make more money; and 4) answer all types of questions on investing.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.Smart investments in real estate could make you one of the richest people you know ―― allow us to share our expertise and show you how.I hope we can get together to discuss these opportunities in person.Call us at (642) 987-6534 for more information.
Yours sincerely,
Dan Toyohuku
Dan Toyohuku
(KMO Real Estate, Bay City Office)
1. What type of letter is this?
(A) A real estate invoice to an investor
(B) A response from the company to a current client
(C) An invitation to invest in real estate
(D) A description of Bay City properties
2. Who is most likely to pay attention to this message?
(A) Realtors
(B) Prospective investors
(C) Financial advisers
(D) Home buyers
3. What types of assistance does KMO Real Estate NOT offer?
(A) Help in buying the right properties to make money
(B) Provide information on Bay City property
(C) Reselling properties that the investor currently owns
(D) Help in developing investment strategies for prospective clients
4. What is the real estate company expert in?
(A) Bay City properties
(B) Financing and managing the right way
(C) Creating millionaires
(D) Private equity
property「地所」、investment「投資」、real estate「不動産」、millionaire「億万長者」、intelligence「情報」、map out~「~の細かい計画を立てる」、invoice「送り状」、investor「投資家」、realtor「不動産業者」、prospective「見込みのある」、financial adviser「財務顧問」、be expert in~「~を専門にしている」、private equity「非公開株式」
- 串田 美保子
- 関東学院大学法学部教授
アリゾナ州立大学大学院英語科修士課程終了、MA(英語学修士)。サンダーバード国際経営大学院卒業、MBA(経営学修士)。専門は英語教授法、応用言語学、言語政策。 主に、英語の習得方法と教授方法を研究。現在、関東学院大学法学部教授。国際ロータリー財団奨学生選考委員。