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- 英文読解“Sunday Lunch”
- 横浜市立大学
英文読解 英文を読むことに慣れよう!
Sunday Lunch
Sunday lunch is a significant British custom. It is the main meal of the week, when a joint of meat is roasted in the oven, and served with potatoes and a variety of vegetables. Close friends are often invited to join the family meal. It is usually followed by a Sunday afternoon walk, to have some fresh air and enjoy the surroundings.
joint「大きな肉の塊」 surrounding「周囲、環境」
When I was young, living alone and working in London, a friend from Wales came to stay with me. On Saturday afternoon, I could sense she was getting nervous. Finally she asked "What are we going to do about Sunday lunch?" I realized she was expecting a proper roast lunch, the sort of meal I never bothered to cook just for myself. For her, Sunday was not Sunday without this special meal.
I still remember my first Sunday as a new bride in Japan. I had no idea what my Japanese husband would expect, so I asked him. "What shall we do about Sunday lunch?" To my utter surprise and relief, he said "Shall I cook some instant ramen?"
Since then, in my household, Sunday lunch is an optional treat rather than an obligatory chore.
household「家族、世帯」 optional「選択自由の」 treat「楽しみ」 obligatory「義務的な」 chore「面倒な仕事」
<A Short Conversation>
Ayako: John, lunch is ready. I have cooked your favourite Japanese noodles.
John : Noodles on Sunday! At home my mother roasts a shoulder of lamb for Sunday lunch!
<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>
- Catharine Nagashima
- 横浜市立大学及び神奈川大学非常勤講師。ウエールズ国立大学卒業。町づくりコンサルタント。