
英文読解“Rainy Season”
  • 横浜市立大学
Catharine Nagashima非常勤講師


Rainy Season



It is interesting that in Britain, where there are four seasons, people usually just call them "the seasons", and don't mention that there are four of them, while in Japan, where there are five season, people are always speaking about the four seasons.








Japan has hot summers with occasional thunderstorms; fine autumns with a tendency for typhoons; sunny winters, sometimes with snow; temperamental springs when the rain is supposed to be a soft drizzle. The fifth season is called "the rainy season". The rains of "the rainy season" arrive when the plums are about to ripen, and are called "plum rains". Like the monsoon in South East Asia, the "plum rains" are essential for growing rice.



temperamental「気まぐれに動く」 be supposed to be~「~のはずだろう」 drizzle「霧雨」
be about to do ~「まさに~しようとして」 ripen「実る」







Britain can be rainy all the year round. People do however speak of "March winds and April showers". These are heavy downpours of rain caused by the position of the jet stream, which in the spring starts to move northwards over the Atlantic Ocean. In one day the weather can change from springtime sunshine to winter sleet and snow.



downpour「土砂降り」 jet stream「ジェット気流」 sleet「みぞれ」






John: "This year, April in Japan was very similar to a typical April in Britain."

Yuko: "I wonder if you will start having a rainy season in Britain like we have in Japan."






<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>

Catharine Nagashima
  • 初級編
  • 中級編