
英文読解“Out-of-Date English”-1
  • 関東学院大学文学部
Joe Mckim准教授





Native speakers in Japan don't encounter as much weird English as we used to. The turning point seems to have come in the late 1990s with the introduction of electronic dictionaries with updated content. Thanks to these devices, students don't use hilariously out-of-date expressions as much as they used to. Here are three examples of archaic English that I used to hear often.  


encounter「~に遭遇する」 weird 「奇妙な」 turning point「転換点」  hilariously「陽気に」 archaic「古語の」







The first one is "severe," as in, "My French teacher is very severe." In modern American English, the usage of "severe" is largely limited to weather conditions: a severe thunderstorm, for example, or a severe typhoon. When students used to talk about a "severe French teacher," I always imagined a teacher who came rushing into the classroom, spinning around and buffeting students with wind and rain.


 spin around「回転する」 buffet「続けざまに痛めつける」







"Pupil" is another such case. For Americans, "pupil" in an educational context went out of style in our grandparents' day and the word is used now only for a part of the eye. When a student who worked as a private tutor of English and math told me that she had "three pupils," I was quite astonished, as I'd never met anyone who had more than two.





"pupil"が別の例です。アメリカ人の場合、教育の場面での"pupil"は祖父の時代から使われなくなりました。今は「目の一部分(ひとみ)」の意味にだけ使われています。英語と数学の家庭教師をしている学生が"three pupils"(3人の生徒;3つのひとみ)と言ったので、私はとても驚きました。ひとみが2つより多い人なんて会ったことがないからです。




<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>

Joe Mckim
関東学院大学文学部准教授。専門は英語学、英語教育法。米国イリノイ州出身。1990年に明治学院大学を経て現職に就く。研究テーマ:Learners’ planning processes for second-language speaking and writing tasks  Second-language test-taking strategies
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