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- 英文読解“moving”
- 横浜市立大学
英文読解 英文を読むことに慣れよう!
In Japan, many people move in the Spring, in time for the new fiscal and academic year that begins in April. When they move to a new home, people set about getting to know their neighbours. The customs for community-building in Japan are different from those in Britain.
in time (for)「~に間に合って」 fiscal year「会計年度」 academic year「学年度」 set about「~し始める、~しようとする」 get to do「~するようになる」 community「地域社会」
When I was growing up in Wales, if a new family moved to the village, it was the custom to visit them, to introduce yourself.
Imagine my astonishment when I moved to Zushi with my husband, and he said we had to visit the neighbours to introduce ourselves!
However, that is the custom in Japan. Newcomers are supposed to pay a formal call on their close neighbours, to offer a small gift and to request being accepted into the community.
be supposed to do「~することになっている」 pay a call on「~を訪問する」
Scenario A
You have moved to a village in Wales, and someone knocks on the door.
"Hello! I am Elin Jones from the farm up the road. I have brought you some new laid eggs. I hope you are going to be happy in our village. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to come up to the farm and ask our advice."
"Good afternoon. I am Mary Lloyd from the pink cottage down the road. My mother asked me to bring you this bunch of flowers from the garden. Since we live so close, she said if you run out of milk or tea or anything, to please drop by."
scenario「シナリオ、場面」 new laid egg「産みたての卵」 Please do not hesitate to do ~.「どうぞご遠慮なく~ください」 run out of「~を使い果たす、切らす」 drop by「ちょっと立ち寄る」
Scenario B
You have moved to a small town in Japan, and you knock on someone's door.
What do you say?
Anne: Why on earth did you buy so much 'osoba'?
Jiro : It is to take to the neighbours when we go round to say we have moved 'near' to them.
Anne: Ah! Now I understand! The word 'soba' also means 'near'! Clever idea!
on earth 「(疑問詞・否定を強めて)いったい全体」
アン :一体全体なんでそんなにたくさん「おそば」を買ったの?
アン :ああ、やっとわかったわ!「そば」は「近い」の意味ね!いい考えね!
<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>
- Catharine Nagashima
- 横浜市立大学及び神奈川大学非常勤講師。ウエールズ国立大学卒業。町づくりコンサルタント。