
  • 横浜市立大学
Catharine Nagashima非常勤講師

英文読解 英文を読むことに慣れよう!


In our daily lives, we often need to measure: the 'distance' from one place to another, the 'area' of a plot of land, the 'volume' of liquid in a bottle or the 'weight' of rice in a bag. Our ancestors used measurements based on parts of the human body.







The ancient Egyptian 'cubit' was the length of the arm from the elbow to the outstretched fingertips. It was divided into 28 'digits', roughly the width of a finger. 


語注 cubitキュービット、腕尺(昔の長さの単位、約46-56cm」  digit指幅、約2cm」



古代エジプトのcubit(腕尺)は肘から指先までの長さです。1 cubit(腕尺)は28 digits(指幅)です。




The British 'foot' is the length of a man's foot wearing boots. It is divided into 12 inches. An 'inch' is about the length of the first joint of the thumb. A 'yard' is the distance from the tip of the nose to the fingertips of an outstretched arm. This was the traditional way of measuring cloth - practical but not quite accurate. Other units are finger, palm, span and hand. 'Hand' is still used for measuring the height of horses.



inchインチ、約2.54cm」 yardヤード、約91.4cm」 finger中指の長さ(約4.5インチ)、指幅(約3/4インチ)」  palm手尺、幅約7.7-10cm、長さ18-25cm」  span親指と小指を張った長さ、約23cm」 handハンド、手のひらの幅、4インチ」







The traditional Japanese 'shaku' is similar to the British foot. A 'shaku' is made up of 10 'sun'. The metric system was invented "for all people, for all time". It is useful for precise international comparisons. We can discover that a 'kanejaku' is 30.3 cm. and a British foot is 30.48 centimetres.   








John :   In Britain we have a legend about Tom Thumb, who is only one inch tall.

Hanako: In Japan, we have a story about Issun Boshi, who is only one sun tall.

John :     I wonder which of the legends is the oldest. 




花子 :日本には「一寸法師」の話があります。背丈はたった1寸です。





<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>

Catharine Nagashima
  • 初級編
  • 中級編