
英文読解“High Tension”
  • 関東学院大学文学部
Joe Mckim准教授

High Tension の意味知っていますか?

High Tensionの意味をご存知ですか?「テンションが高い状態」とは違います。その本当の意味は?意訳日本語付きの英文を読んで、英語圏の文化や英語表現、文法を学ぼう!



It sometimes happens that words which come into Japanese from other languages (so-called "gairai-go") acquire a meaning very different from the original one.







One example that comes to mind is "resume,"! A word we Americans who teach in universities often hear. In Japan, it seems to mean a kind of short written summary, whereas for us, it means the document that we use to apply for a job, listing our history of employment and education? What is called a rireki-sho in Japanese.


 ◎come to mind「心に浮かぶ」  resume「要約、レジュメ、(米)履歴書」






 The confusion in this case is easily explained, because the word "resume" came into Japanese from French rather than from English. The same cannot be said for another expression that I have heard many times, especially at parties, namely "high tension."


◎ tension「緊張」 







Many times, when I am out drinking with my students, there comes a moment when everyone is laughing and talking foolishly and generally having a great time?and suddenly someone says to me, "We are high tension!"


My reaction (because I am a naughty teacher) is usually to say, "Well, then, why don't you drink more? It’ll help you relax." 





学生との飲み会で笑ったり冗談を言って盛り上がっていると、誰かが突然私に"We are high tension!"(※英語の意味は「すごく緊張しています!」)とよく言います。





For us English speakers, "tension" is always a bad thing, a thing to be avoided, or "broken." (We speak of using alcohol in order to "break the tension" or as an "icebreaker.") And "high tension" is even worse than plain old "tension." For us, it means something close to nervousness or anxiety. In short, it's exactly the sort of feeling that we try to get rid of by drinking with our friends.


◎icebreaker「空気をなごませる人、物」   anxiety「不安」   get rid of「~を除く」 



英語母語話者にとって"tension"(緊張)は悪いことで、避けるべき「取り除かれる」べきものです。(お酒を飲むのは「緊張を取り除くため」とか、「空気をなごませるもの」として、などと言ったりします。)"high tension"(「強い緊張」)はふつうの"tension"(「緊張」)よりもっと悪い状態で、英語母語話者にとっては、神経質や不安に近い意味です。つまりこの状態は、まさに友達と飲んで取り除きたい気持ちのことです。



It took me quite a while, but I finally realized that "high tension"in Japan is a thing to be desired, especially at a drinking party. I gather it means something like "a state of great excitement and pleasure."


◎ gather「~だと推測する」 






I've tried to research the origin of "high tension" in Japanese-English, but can't understand how it came to have a meaning in Japanese that is almost the exact opposite of its meaning in English. If anyone reading this has any ideas, I hope you will let me know.





<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>

Joe Mckim
関東学院大学文学部准教授。専門は英語学、英語教育法。米国イリノイ州出身。1990年に明治学院大学を経て現職に就く。研究テーマ:Learners’ planning processes for second-language speaking and writing tasks  Second-language test-taking strategies
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