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- 英文読解“frugality”
- 横浜市立大学
英文読解 英文を読むことに慣れよう!
When I first came to live in Japan, there was still a strong sense of frugality. People patched their clothes, they refrained from using stoves until December, and they never wasted a single grain of rice. Rice was synonymous with food, something almost sacred.
◎frugality「倹約」/ patch「~に継ぎを当てる」 / a grain of「ほんの少しの」 / synonymous with「~と同じことを意味する」/ sacred「神聖な」
In the Britain where I grew up there was also a sense of frugality. Children's' clothes were made with tucks in them that could be let out as they grew taller. Bedrooms were not heated. People used hot-water bottles. It was a terrible thing to waste even a single crust of bread. Bread, "the bread of life", is synonymous with food. "Waste not, want not", we were constantly being reminded.
◎ tuck「縫いひだ」/ hot-water bottle「湯たんぽ」 / crust「堅くなったパン一切れ」 / the bread of life「命の糧」/ Waste not, want not.「(ことわざ)むだがなければ不足もない」
イギリスでも、私が育った頃はみな質素にしていました。子供たちの衣類には、背が伸びたら伸ばせる縫いひだがありました。寝室には暖房がなく湯たんぽを使っていました。堅くなったパン一切れでも無駄にすることはとんでもないことでした。"the bread of life" (命の糧)は食べ物のことです。「むだがなければ不足もない」を私たちは常に心がけていました。
In these days of energy crisis, the old frugal ways are being re-appreciated.
There are many ways of using up stale bread, from traditional recipes such as "bread and butter pudding" to simply rolling it into breadcrumbs. Even if bread is almost going mouldy, it can be given to your neighbor's hens, the ducks in the pond or the birds in the garden.
◎stale「古くなった」/ use up「使い道を見つける」/ recipe「調理法」 / bread and butter pudding「ブレッドアンドバタープディング」 / breadcrumb「パン粉」 / mouldy ((英))「かびくさい moldy ((米))」
At first in Japan I was at a loss how to use up leftover rice. "Rice pudding" did not appeal to my husband. Then I discovered ochazuke, ojiya and chahan.
Mary: "Why are you throwing that bread away?"
Hanako: "It is getting hard, and it is beyond the sell-by date!"
Mary: "You should never waste a single crust of bread! Let me teach you how to make bread and butter pudding"
◎sell-by date「賞味期限」
花子 :堅くなったし、賞味期限を過ぎたので。
メアリー:堅くなったパン一切れでも無駄にしてはいけませんよ。ブレッドアンドバタープディン グの作り方を教えてあげましょう。
<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>
- Catharine Nagashima
- 横浜市立大学及び神奈川大学非常勤講師。ウエールズ国立大学卒業。町づくりコンサルタント。