
英文読解“Summer Time”
  • 横浜市立大学
Catharine Nagashima非常勤講師


英文読解 英文を読むことに慣れよう!語注付きなので比較的カンタンに読めますよ!




"Summer Time" is good for the health!  


Many countries in the temperate zones observe "summer time". Clocks are "put forward" in the spring. The day starts and ends an hour earlier. The extra daylight is supposed to save energy, increase sports and leisure opportunities and reduce traffic accidents.




During my childhood in Britain we had to go to bed before sunset. "Come on children, time for your beauty sleep!" Adults would reassure with "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy and wealthy and wise".


An experiment in Japan was not popular. It was unthinkable to be seen coming home from work in broad daylight. People thought they had to work longer hours. Recently there is talk of reintroducing DST.





Will telling people to "save energy" convince them to change their minds? Might it not be more persuasive to appeal to their sense of health and beauty?





The hours before midnight are the most conducive to deep SWS (slow wave sleep), yet millions of Japanese commuters do not get to bed until the early hours of the morning. Just think what it would do for the health of the nation to be given an extra hour of DST for catching up on deep sleep!







the temperate zone温帯」  summer time夏時間<英>」  reduce減らす」  beauty sleep「(美容によいとされる)夜半前の睡眠」  reassureなだめる」  broad daylight光に満ち満ちた昼間」  DST(daylight saving time)夏時間<米>」  convince納得させる」  persuasive説得力のある」  be conducive to~~を促す;助けとなる」  SWS (slow wave sleep)徐波睡眠(ノンレム睡眠、深睡眠)」  commuter通勤者」  catch up on不足を取り戻す







Catharine Nagashima
  • 初級編
  • 中級編