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- 英文読解“Grandfather Was Dyed.×”
- 関東学院大学文学部
どれが正解?was dead? was died? has died?
was diedという間違った表現が蔓延してますね!ネイティヴにはタイトルのように「was dyed」と聞こえるそうです。
One problem that my students frequently have with English is the delicate matter of talking about death. This is a topic that comes up more often than you might think, since every year I hear several excuses of absence due to the funeral service for a grandfather.
◎dye「染める、染まる」 come up「起こる、生じる」
The grandfathers of my students have an extremely high mortality rate. Indeed, I've known a few who have lost four or five grandfathers in the course of their university years. Thus, there often comes that solemn moment when a student approaches me after class to express the fact that "My grandfather has died."
◎mortality rate「死亡率」 solemn「重々しい」
私の学生たちのおじいさんの死亡率はかなり高いのです。実際、年度中に4,5人のおじいさんを亡くした学生が数人いました。授業の後に学生が重々しく近づいてきて“My grandfather has died.”(祖父が亡くなりました)と言うことがよくあります。
Probably the most common version that I hear is "My grandfather was dead." When I hear this, I have two conflicting impulses. As a teacher, I want to point out that "was dead" implies that the condition was only temporary. In other words, the grandfather in question, though dead for a while, has recovered and is now alive again. However, I resist this impulse and instead just give my condolences. No one wants to hear that their grandfather is now a zombie, after all.
◎conflicting「相反する」 impulse「衝動」 in question「当の」 condolence「哀悼の言葉」
おそらく最も耳にする言い方が“My grandfather was dead.”です。この言葉を聞くと私は2つの相反する衝動にかられます。教師としては“was dead”は一時的なことを意味しているのだと指摘したくなります。つまりおじいさん本人はしばらく死んでいたけれど、回復して今はまた生きている、という意味です。しかし、私はこれを言う衝動を抑え、哀悼の言葉を述べるだけにします。おじいさんがゾンビだなんて話は誰も聞きたくないですから。
The second most common version is the sentence, "My grandfather was died." I can understand the basis for the mistake of using "die" as a passive verb. After all, there is nothing that people do which is more passive than dying. Unfortunately, though, the English verb die doesn't work that way.
◎passive verb「受身動詞」
2番目によくある言い方は“My grandfather was died.”です。“die”を受身の動詞として使う誤りの根拠は理解できます。死んでいる状態は最も受身ですから。しかし残念ながら、英語の動詞dieはそのような使い方はしません。
When I hear a student say "My grandfather was died," in my mind I naturally hear, "My grandfather was dyed," and my natural impulse is to ask, "Oh really? What color is he now?" But of course, I resist that impulse and offer my condolences.
学生が“My grandfather was died.”と言うと、私には“My grandfather was dyed.”(おじいさんが染まりました)に聞こえ、「本当? 何色になったのですか?」と聞きたい衝動にかられます。しかし、もちろんその衝動を抑えて哀悼の言葉を述べます。
I suppose the topic is in my mind, as I write this in July 2009, because of the recent passing of Michael Jackson. A couple of students mentioned the news to me via email, but alas, no one approached me directly and said, "Michael Jackson was dyed."
この話題が思い浮かんだのは今が2009年7月で、マイケル・ジャクソンが最近亡くなったからでしょう。何人かの学生がそのことについてメールしてきましたが、残念ながら、“Michael Jackson was dyed.”(マイケル・ジャクソンが染まりました)と直接言ってくる学生はいませんでした。
I think that would have been a very suitable eulogy for this great entertainer, who was born a black child, but mysteriously became a white man in later life. Michael Jackson might be the only human being who truly "was dyed."
それはこの偉大な歌手へのぴったりの賛辞でしたでしょうに。黒人の子供として生まれたのに、不思議にも後年白人になったのですから。マイケル・ジャクソンは本当に“was dyed”(色が変わった)唯一の人間かもしれませんね。
<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>
- Joe Mckim
- 関東学院大学文学部准教授。専門は英語学、英語教育法。米国イリノイ州出身。1990年に明治学院大学を経て現職に就く。研究テーマ:Learners’ planning processes for second-language speaking and writing tasks Second-language test-taking strategies