
英文読解“Carbon footprints”
  • 横浜市立大学
Catharine Nagashima非常勤講師







Carbon footprints


One of the topics of conversation when I was in Wales this summer was “carbon footprints”. What are you doing to make your carbon footprint smaller? Do you try to buy mainly locally grown food? Do you have a shower instead of a bath? Do you bicycle to work, or if you have to go by car do you share? Two thirds of Britons drive to work and transport is responsible for one quarter of all emissions in the UK.




Another big question is how and where you travel for your holidays. This summer there was a demonstration at Heathrow Airport to protest the increase in cheap holiday air flights. Eco-conscious people choose locations near to home, or avoid using cars and aeroplanes.




A carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted over the full life cycle of a product or service. People have a growing sense of responsibility for reducing their own CO2 emissions, especially because of climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gave a depressing picture with global temperatures projected to increase by as much as 6.4 oC. The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Wales has proposed “zerocarbon Britain” by 2020. It can only be hoped governments and businesses will recognize the urgency of taking action.


What are you doing to make your carbon footprint smaller? 





Walesウェールズ」 be responsible for~の原因である emission排出 eco-conscious環境意識の高いgreenhouse gases温室効果ガス」(地球温暖化の原因となる二酸化炭素・フロンなど) emit放出する life cycleライフサイクルIPCC気候変動に関する政府間パネルdepressing picture由々しい見通し project予測する CAT代替技術センター













Catharine Nagashima
  • 初級編
  • 中級編